Go Kart Maintenance and Safety
Maintenance Recommendations
- Before use, Please read all instructions and user manuals.
- Use 10W-30 Engine Oil and 91 Unleaded petrol
- After use, clean/ wash the go kart and regularly use WD40 or CRC.
- Clean air filter regularly from dust.
- Keep chain lubed.
- Spray with Chain Oil regularly
- To drain oil, there is a sump bolt at the back and underneath the motor.
- Always make a pre-operation inspection before you start the engine..
- Please also refer to and follow manufacturers instructions
- Do not allow the engine to operate at low revs as this may over heat and damage the clutch.
Please note:The centrifugal clutch is a wearing part and is not covered by warranty.
Safety Recommendations
- Spend time and explain carefully how to operate to young children and inexperienced riders.
- Always supervise children.
- Ensure seatbelts and safety helmets are worn at all times
- Explain clearly use of the throttle and brake handle, and the kill switch.
- Ensure tyre pressure is kept at 15-20psi
- Once the engine has been started, go over all controls and ensure they are operating effectively. Make adjustments accordingly
Important - Conditions of Use
All our karts are off road leisure go karts and as no safety standards are available, driving is at your own risk.
Neither the manufacturer nor Go Karts Direct are liable for personal or other damage neither to participating or non – participating persons. At delivery the owner takes full responsibility for the kart and use of the kart.
Ensure that the person driving is of an age, size and has the necessary skills and experience to drive the kart safely.
Drivers under 16 must do so only with the permission of their parents./guardian. Younger children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.